Blog Archive

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Sun SVM script to simplify the metastat output

# 'nawk' script to parse 'metastat' output and present
# in a useful output.
# Example:
# # metainfo
# Device Size MB Mirror0 State0 Device0 Mirror1 State1 Device1
# d60: 10240,6 d61 Okay c1t0d0s6 d62 Okay c1t1d0s6
# d40: 4099,22 d41 Okay c1t0d0s4 d42 Okay c1t1d0s4
# d30: 2052,09 d31 Okay c1t0d0s3 d32 Okay c1t1d0s3
# d20: 2052,09 d21 Okay c1t0d0s1 d22 Okay c1t1d0s1
# d10: 3075,66 d11 Okay c1t0d0s0 d12 Okay c1t1d0s0
# d50: 2052,09 d51 Okay c1t0d0s5 d52 Okay c1t1d0s5
# Submitted by: Adrian Meier

metastat | nawk '
BEGIN { print "Device Size MB Mirror0 State0 Device0 Mirror1 State1 Device1"
OFS=" "}
/Mirror/ { if (dev != "") print dev, size, mir0, stat0, dev0, mir1, stat1, dev1
dev=$1; size=""; mir0=""; stat0=""; dev0="" }
/Size:/ { if (size == "") size=$2/2048 }
/Submirror 0/ { mir0=$3 }
/Submirror 1/ { mir1=$3 }
/State:/ { if (stat0 == "") stat0=$2; else stat1=$2 }
/c.t.d.s./ { if (dev0 == "") dev0=$1; else dev1=$1 }
END { print dev, size, mir0, stat0, dev0, mir1, stat1, dev1 }'

# Exit
exit 0

### This script is submitted to BigAdmin by a user of the BigAdmin community.
### Sun Microsystems, Inc. is not responsible for the
### contents or the code enclosed.
### Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
### Use of this software is authorized pursuant to the
### terms of the license found at