Blog Archive

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Adding an old Hoover washing machine LCD to Arduino

This is just a quick post to mention that the Hoover washing machine LCD screen, part number 91201462, is a simple HD44780 LCD that a million other people have hooked up before.  I just wanted to post it because I couldn't find any mention of the screen apart from people selling these parts (at stupid prices I might add).  I used this instructable to find the pin connections and used the "HelloWorld" example Arduino Sketch from the LiquidCrystal examples folder in the Arduino IDE to make it say, well, Hello world!  What else?

In the picture below, it looks a bit dark for two reasons.  I didn't bother hooking up the back light (though it does work) and I don't have a 10K potentiometer, so I used a 470K one and the contrast isn't quite right.  I'll post another photo when I have a better potentiometer.  

Update.  I hooked up the backlight and it looks nicer:
 Hoover washing machine LCD screen, part number 91201462, is a simple HD44780 LCD