The Arduino sketch I wrote needs to send the same remote control codes that the actual remote controls send. To find out which codes to put into the sketch, I used the information from this library (which forms the backbone of my whole project) and used the examples to "sniff" the codes. I basically put the "ShowReceivedCode" sketch onto the Arduino and watched the serial output as I pressed buttons on the remotes. I then copied and pasted these codes into my Arduino sketch.
Now, the code I put together for my Arduino
#include <OldRemoteReceiver.h> #include <OldRemoteSwitch.h> #include <NewRemoteReceiver.h> #include <NewRemoteTransmitter.h> int led = 13; unsigned long HE200unit1on = 1234567890; // code learned unsigned long HE200unit1off = 1234567891; unsigned long HE200unit2on = 1234567892; // heater in living room unsigned long HE200unit2off = 1234567824; unsigned long HE200unit3on = 1234567810; // unsigned long HE200unit3off = 1234567800; unsigned long HE200unit4on = 1234567884; // unsigned long HE200unit4off = 1234567874; unsigned long HE200unit5on = 1234567830; // unsigned long HE200unit5off = 1234567836; unsigned long HE200unit6on = 1234567804; // unsigned long HE200unit6off = 1234567810; unsigned long byronD1on = 1234567834; //BYRON outside socket unsigned long byronD1off = 1234567840; //BYRON outside socket unsigned long byronD2on = 1234567816; unsigned long byronD2off = 1234567830; unsigned long byronD3on = 1234567800; unsigned long byronD3off = 1234567898; //-- NEW TYPE CODDES unsigned long LightSwitch1_address = 1234567; unsigned int LightSwitch1_period = 257; unsigned short LightSwitch1A_unit = 10; unsigned short LightSwitch1B_unit = 11; unsigned long LightSwitch2_address = 123456; unsigned int LightSwitch2_period = 260; unsigned short LightSwitch2A_unit = 10; // HE300 remote control. Set 'unit' to "group" to switch on or off the group (all // switch settings) unsigned long HE300_address = 1234566; unsigned int HE300_period = 257; /* Switch Set to I : button 1 = unit 0 Switch Set to I : button 2 = unit 1 Switch Set to I : button 3 = unit 2 Switch Set to I : button 4 = unit 3 Switch Set to II : button 1 = unit 4 // Dining Room under cupboard lights Switch Set to II : button 2 = unit 5 Switch Set to II : button 3 = unit 6 Switch Set to II : button 4 = unit 7 Switch Set to III : button 1 = unit 8 Switch Set to III : button 2 = unit 9 Switch Set to III : button 3 = unit 10 Switch Set to III : button 4 = unit 11 Switch Set to IV : button 1 = unit 12 Switch Set to IV : button 2 = unit 13 Switch Set to IV : button 3 = unit 14 Switch Set to IV : button 4 = unit 15 */ String input; char inData[20]; // Allocate some space for the string char inChar; // Where to store the character read byte index = 0; // Index into array; where to store the character void setup() { pinMode(led, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("Transmitter init..."); Serial.println("ok"); } void loop() { delay(50); while(Serial.available() > 0) // Don't read unless // there you know there is data { if(index < 8) // One less than the size of the array { inChar =; // Read a character inData[index] = inChar; // Store it index++; // Increment where to write next inData[index] = '\0'; // Null terminate the string } } input = inData; index=0; // Now do something with the string (but not using ==) // Serial.println(input); if(strcmp(inData,"1on") == 0) { press(HE200unit1on); } else if(strcmp(inData,"1off") == 0) { press(HE200unit1off); } else if(strcmp(inData,"2on") == 0) { press(HE200unit2on); } else if(strcmp(inData,"2off") == 0) { press(HE200unit2off); } else if(strcmp(inData,"3on") == 0) { press(HE200unit3on); } else if(strcmp(inData,"3off") == 0) { press(HE200unit3off); } else if(strcmp(inData,"4on") == 0) { press(HE200unit4on); } else if(strcmp(inData,"4off") == 0) { press(HE200unit4off); } else if(strcmp(inData,"D1on") == 0) { press(byronD1on); } else if(strcmp(inData,"D1off") == 0) { press(byronD1off); } else if(strcmp(inData,"D2on") == 0) { press(byronD2on); } else if(strcmp(inData,"D2off") == 0) { press(byronD2off); } else if(strcmp(inData,"D3on") == 0) { press(byronD3on); } else if(strcmp(inData,"D3off") == 0) { press(byronD3off); } else if(strcmp(inData,"HII1on") == 0) { newpress(HE300_address,HE300_period,4,1); } else if(strcmp(inData,"HII1off") == 0) { newpress(HE300_address,HE300_period,4,0); } else if(strcmp(inData,"HIII1on") == 0) { newpress(HE300_address,HE300_period,8,1); } else if(strcmp(inData,"HIII1off") == 0) { newpress(HE300_address,HE300_period,8,0); } else if(strcmp(inData,"LS2on") == 0) { newpress(LightSwitch2_address,LightSwitch2_period,10,1); } else if(strcmp(inData,"LS2off") == 0) { newpress(LightSwitch2_address,LightSwitch2_period,10,0); } } void press(unsigned long button) { digitalWrite(led, HIGH); unsigned long sendcode = button; Serial.print("sending code "); Serial.println(sendcode); //transmit the signal on pin 11. RemoteSwitch::sendTelegram(sendcode,11); Serial.print("1 "); RemoteSwitch::sendTelegram(sendcode,11); Serial.println("2"); memset(inData, 0, sizeof(inData)); // empty serial in data (stuff // sent to the Arduino) digitalWrite(led, LOW); Serial.println("ok"); } void newpress(unsigned long address, unsigned int period, unsigned short unit, int onoroff) { digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // delay(500); //NewRemoteReceiver::disable(); // Need interrupts for delay() interrupts(); NewRemoteTransmitter transmitter(address, 11, period); Serial.print("NEW:sending code "); Serial.print(address); //transmit the signal on pin 11. Serial.println(" sent"); transmitter.sendUnit(unit, onoroff); Serial.print("1 "); //delay(150); transmitter.sendUnit(unit, onoroff); // sent twice to try to // make sure the signal gets through Serial.println("2"); memset(inData, 0, sizeof(inData)); // empty serial in data // (stuff sent to the Arduino) digitalWrite(led, LOW); Serial.println("ok"); }
This is the output from the C code I mentioned. The PHP pages 'exec' this code and this sends text given as a command line argument to the serial port, also specified as an argument.
After compiling, like this
gcc press.c -o press
It should be called something like this
./press /dev/ttyACM0 4on
Here's the main Arduin sketch:
#include <termios.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> //----------------- int DC(int serial_port_fd, char *msg) { int n; //usleep(2000000); usleep(100000); printf("sent %s\n", msg); //n = write(serial_port_fd, "rs1on\n", 5); n = write(serial_port_fd, msg, 8); //usleep(250000); //printf("sending %s\n", msg); //n = write(serial_port_fd, msg, 8); // send the code twice, just to make sure the transmission reaches the receiver usleep(1000000); return 0; } //----------------- int CLOSE(serial_port_fd){ struct termios termios_save; tcsetattr(serial_port_fd, TCSANOW, &termios_save); tcflush(serial_port_fd, TCOFLUSH); tcflush(serial_port_fd, TCIFLUSH); close(serial_port_fd); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int main(int argc, char *argv[] ) { if ( argc != 3 ) /* argc should be 2 for correct execution */ { printf( "usage: %s port command", argv[0] ); } else { int serial_port_fd; // = -1; char *port = argv[1]; // command line arg 1 needs to be the port device //printf("%s\n", argv[1]); //printf("%s\n", argv[2]); serial_port_fd = open(port, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY); if(serial_port_fd < 0) { printf("could not open port %s\n error: %d\n", port, serial_port_fd); return 1; } struct termios port_settings; // structure to store the // port settings in cfsetispeed(&port_settings, B9600); // set baud rates cfsetospeed(&port_settings, B9600); port_settings.c_cflag &= ~PARENB; // set no parity, // stop bits, data bits port_settings.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB; port_settings.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; port_settings.c_cflag |= CS8; tcsetattr(serial_port_fd, TCSANOW, &port_settings); // apply the // settings to // the port //open the serial port DC(serial_port_fd, argv[2]); // send data to port where // data is command line arg 2 CLOSE(serial_port_fd); // close the port return 0; } }..