stop dirsrv@kolab :
# systemtctl stop dirsrv@kolab
generate a new password:
# pwdhash newpassword
edit /etc/dirsrv/slapd-kolab and change the line :
nsslapd-rootpw: {SSHA}sMenoLEtsTWzdvplg0dfAy1a+DnOaHe0D8a1yQ==
and replace the {SHA}... bit with the password you generated with pwdhash:
nsslapd-rootpw: {SSHA}qeeho8tNY7saCBF+ugdljuweDfeMTZIn2sq1CA==
restart the directory service:
# systemctl start dirsrv@kolab
I found out to my cost, that the Directory Manager password is stored (in plaintext, FFS) in another, very important file ; /etc/kolab/kolab.conf
So find this snippet and change the plaintext password :
# vi /etc/kolab/kolab.conf
ldap_uri = ldap://localhost:389
supported_controls = 0,2,3
base_dn = dc=blogger,dc=com
bind_dn = cn=Directory Manager
bind_pw = newpasswordhere