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Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Kolab 3.4 catch-all address

I found instructions here showing how to set up a "catchall" address on a Kolab 3.2 install which also worked on my 3.4 install, except that ALL emails went to the catch-all, including emails for existing, genuine users - their mailboxes were not receiving their mail, the catchall was.
I fiddled about with the query_filter in the config file to stop this behaviour. It is still not perfect, as it stops the "" addresses from working unless "" is setup up as an alias for the user. Perhaps someone cleverer than me can suggest a better query_filter. Anyway, here's the .cf file I used:

# cat
server_host = localhost
server_port = 389
version = 3
search_base = dc=blogger,dc=co,dc=uk
scope = sub
domain = ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap/
bind_dn = uid=kolab-service,ou=Special Users,dc=blogger,dc=co,dc=uk
bind_pw = support
query_filter = (&(alias=catchall@%d)(!(alias=%s@%d)))
result_attribute = mail

Follow the rest of the instructions in the link I mentioned before.

This put me on the right track too.